
Travel and events

The Lifestyle Doctor

Welcome to Red Lips White Coat, my personal blog. I am Dr. Elizabeth Lee Mizelle, a full-time physician, and part-time blogger.  I spend most of my days caring for my patients. My off duty hours are spent indulging in many random musings that bring me a different type of fulfillment. This blog was started as a creative outlet for me in 2015. I…
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Hello, Buda!

Hello, Buda! I have just returned home from an amazing time in Eastern Europe.   My 5 friends and I traveled to Budapest, Prague and Vienna.  Did I have fun? Yes!   Would I ever go back there again? Well, yes and no.  Yes, all three places were magical in their own right.  The trip was 8 days and we managed to…
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Happy Doctor’s Day :(

It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Texas.  I wore my brightest dress for the Houston Children’s Festival.   I came prepared with water bottle, juice, an apple, pistachios and a greek yogurt, which easily fills me up.  I conducted vision screens and measured heights and weights.   So there I was standing in the hot blazing sun checking kids eyes until I felt I…
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Vegas Virgin

I am a late bloomer in every aspect of the phrase.  And last weekend I lost my Vegas Virginity.  I went to Vegas for the first time for my annual medical convention.  I am 32 and have spent the first 31 years in school or intense training of some sort.  On the off times in medical school I was usually…
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Spring Break, Wherefore Art Thou?

Gone are the days of the obligatory 2 week and 2 month vacations we all had during spring/winter and summer.  Unless you are fortunate enough to work in education, you stopped having those built-in vacays way back in college.  During my tenure as a medical student, I did have breaks after each “System Block” and we had something like an…
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