My planner is bursting at the seams with all the things I need to get done by this evening. I always set unrealistic timelines for myself. Yes, I know this goes against one of the cardinal rules for creating a more organized, productive and successful life as per the top business strategists. I can’t help it. I give myself longs lists of things to do on a daily basis. I enjoy the cerebral process of extracting my thoughts and ideas onto blank paper and then visualizing them in my own handwriting. I write everything down. Smartphone apps just won’t cut it. Throughout the day, I remember something I want to do and add it to my list. This list can get as long as 25 tasks. When anything on that task list is not accomplished, I move it over to the following day. Therefore, my daily “to do” enumerations are usually a full page long.
Today is no exception. I’m working on a few different business ventures and I need to research many topics. This calls for an excuse to spend the entire day at my favorite place – Barnes and Noble. Does that make me a nerd. Well, I think we’ve already established that I was one, so I don’t care what you say at this point. It’s a wonderful, inspiring store with so many things for me to learn. Education is my pastime. (As if medical school was not sufficient.) I can’t get enough of the self help section, Make your own Sushi-Roll section, then there’s the awesome section on Green smoothies, Blogging for beginners, and my new fave – Christian Living section. I spend 10 minutes standing infront of the Women’s Interest periodicals rack reading about celebrity gossip and the latest fashion trends, then find myself suddenly thumbing through a Knitting Now magazine only to later find myself with the urge to stop by Michael’s after the bookstore. Ultimately, I wind up with a kink in my left arm from carrying so many books and magazines in my basket as I wind my way through every aisle and finally claim a cozy corner seat in the cafe.
I do not drink coffee. I don’t particularly like it and it gives me the shakes. Am I the only non-coffee drinker that feels like I must have it when in any Starbucks Café? sigh. I order a White Chocolate Mocha with half a shot of espress, soy milk and no whip cream. How ridiculous is that? That is the only coffee drink I ever order. Today is no exception. And I will likely be up with the shakes until 4am because I can’t handle caffiene to begin with.
Espresso machine squeling, people chatting, baristas yelling – I love the bustle. It helps me focus on my work. So I sip my half shot Mocha and start reaading my Peoply Style Watch, so I’m not distracted later. Then commences my research, emails, notes, etc. Every few minutes I break to glance at my running task list and check off an entry. I am sure I don’t have to be this busy. I make my life this way. But I like it because my busyness is my business. And I’m a Boss.