I was given free tickets to see the North Carolina Theatre’s production of GREASE in exchange for sharing my experience. This is a sponsored post in partnership with the the NC Blogger Network and the North Carolina Theatre. My “hands down” favorite musical as an awkward tween and adolescent was Grease. In my world I was the Black Sandra D. dating the…
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My planner is bursting at the seams with all the things I need to get done by this evening. I always set unrealistic timelines for myself. Yes, I know this goes against one of the cardinal rules for creating a more organized, productive and successful life as per the top business strategists. I can’t help it. I give myself longs lists…
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It’s 8:30am and I’m feeling so spiritually refreshed. I’m in Greensboro, NC for my annual church convocation. We’ve already had our morning prayer, worship workout and breakfast. I was raised in a Pentecostal church and I oftentimes yearn to fellowhip with my fellow Saints of God. Since I started living in Houstong, i was hard-pressed to find a church home…
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Welcome to Red Lips White Coat, my personal blog. I am Dr. Elizabeth Lee Mizelle, a full-time physician, and part-time blogger. I spend most of my days caring for my patients. My off duty hours are spent indulging in many random musings that bring me a different type of fulfillment. This blog was started as a creative outlet for me in 2015. I…
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Hello, Buda! I have just returned home from an amazing time in Eastern Europe. My 5 friends and I traveled to Budapest, Prague and Vienna. Did I have fun? Yes! Would I ever go back there again? Well, yes and no. Yes, all three places were magical in their own right. The trip was 8 days and we managed to…
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