Gone are the days of the obligatory 2 week and 2 month vacations we all had during spring/winter and summer. Unless you are fortunate enough to work in education, you stopped having those built-in vacays way back in college. During my tenure as a medical student, I did have breaks after each “System Block” and we had something like an…
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90 Days Notice?! That seems like an awfully short amount of time to decide. That’s the deadline that I have to give my management office a decision on my lease renewal. And it’s coming up soon. Sure it seems like a simple thing, but no! As it goes for every simple thing in my life, I have turned it into…
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Wash n No-Go! So Disrespectful! Who am I talking about? I’m referring to my hair. I spent 15 minutes this morning getting it into the perfect faux-wash-and-go look. I used my Kinky Curley to tame my edges and dabbed a good amount of Camille Rose’s Fresh Curl Revitalizer to dampened ends. The latter I haven’t tried before. I didnt use…
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